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Friss topikok

  • Verde Lunaria: akkor is au..... (2014.06.10. 10:38) Jövő?!....
  • Bötty04: "És egyfajta fanatizmus alakul ki bennem, amit már lassacskán képtelenség lesz elfojtani, és végez... (2014.06.08. 11:42) Hát ennek is vége....
  • Sangel: @Verde Lunaria: :D :D Hááát én jobban szeretem, ha pufókabb :D De így is elvinném egy körre :P (2014.02.18. 09:42) Plusz terhes terhesség....
  • Sangel: @gojjjo: Igazából nincs mit eldöntenem, mert ez így egy kicsit hosszabb és kényesebb dolog annál,... (2014.01.29. 19:54) Ex és a csók....
  • Verde Lunaria: Kell csinálnunk egy csajos nálam alvós estét.... Csepegős filmekkel... (2013.09.06. 15:17) Elegem van....

Just for you....

2009.04.14. 00:00 - Sangel

I shouldn’t believe it, that you will read it, but if you do it, think on it please…2 years ago, we got to know each other, and I never think, that I can love somebody, than you. 1,5 month it’s not too long, but I felt it was a lot of years… When we leave each other, we could’ve not forgotten feelings…But you got to know a woman,who is your next lover… It’s really painfully for me, cause I never said to you if i had somebody… Never… Cause i know it’d be hurting you…Always when you be alone, and thinking you wrote to me… But never think it’s more painfully than, when you just leave me alone… Cause you said, you would come here, and we could be together again, and it’ll be amazing…Why will it be amazing? I changed, you changed, and our lifes go on… I really hope we are the most incredible pair in the world, I can believe it, but I know it’s not true…I’m thinking more than lot from you and me, and how can we find a solution, but i know it’s too hard from you and maybe me too… we should give up a lot, and leave own family, things and friends… I know I can leave it… But you? I don’t think so…It makes me happy, when you said love me, or miss me. And when you said it I lived in a dreamworld, but 2-3 hours later when we continou our lifes, I fall down and hurt myself. I plan, I planed, and I will plane our life… But it have to be two person, not just me…

I hope once my dreamworld will be true….


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